Hess Malaysia completes fabrication of MRU facilities for Bergading CPP

Source: Hess

KUALA LUMPUR: Hess Malaysia, a subsidiary of Hess Corporation, has completed the fabrication of its Mercury Removal Unit (MRU) facilities for the North Malay Basin (NMB) Integrated Gas Development Project on schedule.

Hess Asia vice-president Zhiyong Zhao said the MRU facilities will help unlock the full potential of the NMB asset and enable the safe production of gas with higher mercury levels from existing wells and those in the future phases of field development.

Bergading CPP. Source: Hess

He said the MRU facilities will be installed and integrated into the existing Bergading Central Processing Platform (CPP) at the Bergading Complex in NMB, about 300 kilometres offshore Peninsular Malaysia.

“Amid Covid-19, our priority has been to protect our workforce and community and maintain business continuity.

“Despite industry headwinds caused by the pandemic, this milestone reaffirms our commitment to developing Malaysia’s natural gas resources and safeguarding the security of gas supply,“ he said in a statement today.

Related article: HESS Malaysia awards MMHE for MRU EPCC Contract

He said mercury management is crucial to protect the environment, prevent damage to downstream equipment and meet health and safety standards.

“The MRU facilities are capable of processing high mercury hydrocarbon gas with 100 per cent redundancy. The company is currently in Phase two of the NMB field development.

“The drilling programme for phase three is expected to commence next year with first gas planned in the first quarter of 2022,“ he added. Bernama